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General Guide

Determining if your Property is a Public Nuisance 

As many of these abandoned schools are in different conditions, some may need more cleaning and renovation then others. Any form of an abandoned building has the potential to pose a threat to its surrounding community. These threats come in the form of health risks that an abandoned physical condition can present such as: pest infestation, waste, and blight. For more information on determining whether an abandoned building is a public nusiance, please refere to the Guia Comunitaria para Recuperacion de Espacios en Desuso

Technique & Methods

At the beginning of the renovation it is important to have an evaluation of the abandoned school building be completed. We recommend these evaluations be completed by an architect or some professional with expert knowledge of building design. When completing renovations it is important to consider the following dimensions of the renovation and building evaluation process.

  • Physical Integrity

    • Structural Integrity

  • Power Infrastructure

    • Electrical Power System​

    • Air Conditioning Units

Renovation Services

There exist many renovations that may need to be done on an abandoned school building. It may be efficient to have the building assessed by professional architects, engineers, exterminators and more to understand the full extent of renovations that need to occur. Major renovations, like setting up electricity for the community centers, are mainly done by professionals. It is common that minor renovations like clearing out grass, painting walls, or cleaning floors are mainly done by nearby residents or local volunteers. 

Photo of La Goyco's Monthly Brigada de Limpieza


Municipality Regulations

When completing renovations on an abandoned school property it is also important to ensure you are in compliance with your local municipality building regulation code. Once you or your organization obtains ownership of the building it is important to understand the expectations by law you must abide as its owner. For those organizations that have a contractual ownership, we recommend also reviewing the expectations outlined in the agreement.

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